Please, contact us!: +36 (23) 381 818
Please, contact us!:

Maintenance request

Personal data

Maintenance contact details

PFC or AHF informations

(e.g. KRL)

(KRL serial number (inside of the door))

(Please indicate the number of cabinets)



(In case of occasional maintenance, we will send you a quotation for one maintenance, in case you require regular KRL maintenance, we will send you a draft contract, which, if accepted, will be carried out by our service technicians at regular intervals during the maintenance period. (Our regular maintenance service is more affordable))

(During maintenance, we use a professional industrial thermal camera to take pictures and draw attention to unseen hot spots, thus preventing heating and fires)

(Read more about our remote monitoring service in our services section)

(For more information about our power quality analysis service, please visit our services section)

(For example: help the service car to find the address if it is not clear)

Request a quote